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Kirsher finished Lost item 2 LI-II.

Feb 16
CKC Scent. Kirsher finished Open SDO.Feb 11 NASDA Monroe’s Mischief, WA. It was held at an old dairy farm, so there were plenty of smells and interesting nooks and crannies. Urban challenge game – in his last game of the day (Distance, where the handler has to stay behind a line and the dog has to search independently), Tristan was waiting for a judge’s call on his

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Nov The Auriferi had a great day in front of the great mountain scenery in Galtür. At the international courseing they took 8th places (A. in the Whippet CACIL females) Gem), 7 (A. Galadriel)
PLACE 1 with CACIL and BOS secured the unique Aurifer GUINEVERE ! Congratulations!!
Oct 13 AURIFER GALADRIEL (Burnt Sienna Red Mountain x Aurifer Delovis) had a successful weekend in Mammendorf at the 75th anniversary of the club. On Saturday “Zora” wins in V2 in the OK of 14 dogs and ResCAC, on Sunday 3rd place in the C-class female and the BEAUTY & PERFORMANCE award!Oct 6 Musca (Besties Musca Australis), Tuulos group show, BOB, BIG-2 under Judge Minna Puukko!Oct 5 AKC scent, Monroe. Tristan finished his Excellent Containers title SCE! He was 3/3 in Excellent Containers and Exteriors, and 3/4 in Interiors. He also tried a Master run for the first time and passed Master Exterior.
Sep 29 ABC Games. Tristan finished his third Noseworthy SOG for the Advanced title
Sept 21 SDDA Scent. Kirsher finished his SDDA Started SD-S with 2 Gold scores.
Sept 7 CKC Scent. Marsanne finished his Scent Master title SDM!
Sep 3 CDAC Nasda, WA. Tristan finished his 4th Urban Challenge Game UC4-1 to complete the ULC-I title, which also completed the Versatile Urban Bronze VU-B! Good man! First whippet for all these titles.
Sep 2 Hanover, PA AKC lure coursing. Frankie was BOB for his third major to finish his AKC FC, which also finished his dual Championship DC at 19 months of age! Congratulations to owner/handler Marge Conta and breeders Melissa Schnyder and Mandy Armitage.
Sep 2 CWA meet, WI. Lynn and Alisa had fun, with Fonz picking up a match win, Amadeus just out of ARX points in a fast entry, and Pinky picking up her best score to date.
Aug 25 Austria show. Aurifer Galadriel was BOB!
Aug 16 SchaSam nada, WA. Tristan finished Trailing Brace 2 TB-II to also complete the Versatile Locating Silver VLS.
July 26-28 NWCC National Specialty show.
Tristan was entered this weekend just in the Sunday National Regional Specialty show, taking his last spin around the ring at 13 years. Yes, there were wet eyes (and there are more writing this). Thank you so much for the claps and cheers for his retirement lap. I know he felt the love too.
It was incredible to be in the line up with those beautiful veterans; they all showed their hearts out. We are deeply thankful to judge David Samuelson to be selected for Best Veteran in Specialty to make the day even more treasured.
At our end, it was a variety event weekend, with Dustyn entered on Friday and snagging an absolutely fabulous Select Dog placement under Cindy Scott at the WCOBC show with an entry of over 70 whippets.Zarina (CH Hilerica Saturna) was BOB Altered under Joey Buchanan, shown at the LMWA Specialty to finish her Altered Championship at the age of 11 years. Zarina is owned by Liz Kowalczyk and bred by Carole and Darien Adley. Thank you to Aaryn Secker for showing her on Sunday.
On Saturday the boys were off to do some Trailing trials as we were unsure about the border situation at the time. Dustyn was 2nd and 3rd High in Trial in very challenging Level 3 runs. So proud of him.
On Sunday, Julie Troxel graciously showed Dustyn in the breed ring and made a very strong cut under David Samuelson. Thank you Julie for doing a fabulous job with him!Chilly won Reserve Winners Female at the Lower Mainland Whippet Association Specialty AND the National Whippet Club of Canada’s Regional in Aldergrove, British Columbia last weekend, under Judges Joseph Buchanan and David Samuelson!
July 21 Hudson River Hound Assoc show, NY. Scorch was WD for his third major to finish his AmCH! Judge Edward W Hall, handled by breeder Donna Lynch. This also completes the Versatility Excellent title (CAVX)
July 14 NASDA. Dustyn first whippet to finish TL-III
July 6 ASFA. Scorch was BOB to finish his ASFA FCh which gives him his Versatility Excellent title (AVX)! Congratulations to owner Grace Chan and breeder Donna Lynch!
July 1 Tristan had his ‘pounce’ on this weekend, digging out those ratties. We tried Happy Ratters for the first time, where you can enter a higher level if you have a higher level in Barn Hunt. So we started at Expert and Tristan finished the title with enthusiasm, with a third place and extra points for teamwork. He also did a distance game and was 3 for 3 to finish, with another third placement, and is now a proud owner of the “Dump Hunter” title lol. Many thanks to OK Find it. We enjoyed the single trial they have a year, as the only Canadian club at the moment, and hope to attend more in the future.
June 22 AKC conformation. Scorch was BOW for 2 more points, handled by breeder Donna Lynch.
June 19 Dustyn:
~ He finished his DMWYD Trick Dog Grand Championship which had some challenging tricks to perform, such as ‘reading’ cue cards, distance work, precision tricks etc and had to be evaluated by official staff. He’s only the 5th whippet recorded since it was introduced Jan 2021, likely as it looks a bit daunting at first glance.
~ He had a blast finishing his ‘SX’y Sprinter Excellent title (1500+ points).
This leads us to
~ Completing the CKC Versatility Gold title! The Canadian Kennel Club has levels from Novice, Advanced, Excellent, Expert, Bronze, Silver, and Gold being the highest level achievable. Dustyn is the first Versatility Gold Whippet since the program inception in Jan 2022. Such a good boy!
~ In NASDA news, after the pending border rule changes were announced, we decided to visit a couple more trials, and Dustyn was the first whippet to complete Brace Level 2 (400 points qualified for searching for quarry as a team with another dog). His trusty senior sidekick Tristan is always up to be a willing partner. Thanks so much to Crystal, Teresa, and the others who helped release Dustyn.
~ Brace also completed first whippet for both the Versatile Locating Silver Champion and the Supreme Versatility Silver (completing minimum 400 points in all 5 NASDA venues, which include level 2 in Shed Dog, Trail and Locating, Trail Brace, Urban Locating and Lost Item). At last check there were under 19 dogs all breed that have accomplished the SVS, so this was a thrill.
~ And lastly, he finished his SDDA Scentwork Distance Games last weekend at the K9 Scentinels trial.
June 16 Hanover AKC coursing. Frankie was BIF
June 15 Finnish Whippet Club’s National Specialty, Finland. Over 160 entries, Musca 3rd Best Bitch to finish her Finnish Championship under Mini Puuko! FI CH. Congrats to owner Mari Wilenius and breeder Mari Kääriäinen and Heli Poikonen.
June 8
Tristan and I were the recipient of the 2024 NASDA Spirit award for Canadian Dog Handler Team! It’s hard to put into words how much this means to us. We started playing late in the game, when Tristan was 11.5 years old. He still comes out of the car and is ready for the next mission, doing it for the joy of the hunt and his affection for pleasing all. Every run is a success by his bright and alert eyes. Our dear boy is loved so much.
We were just one of 18 teams nominated and are very honoured to be included among such deserving teams and handlers. I am very grateful to those that nominated and voted for us. We would not have had the fun and adventures we have had the past years if it weren’t for the dedicated clubs in the PNW. We truly appreciate all who have helped us achieve our goals and some excellent breed history, offering incredible properties, volunteering time for run partners, and the judges who absolutely love what they do. Donna Morgan Murray, Callie Kiehl, Mary Shaver, Perry Parks, Jessica Clough, Kelsey Hawn, Liz Carter for reviewing online videos, Sam Lietz, Crystal Waffles, Teresa Smith, Kathi & Dan Fraser and the many others that make up the heart of the sport. And gratitude to Marco for always being encouraging about our adventures, and Lisa Winder for breeding this once in a lifetime dog.
From the Spirit Award chair:
“Congratulations to the 2024 NASDA Spirit Award Recipients! We are pleased to announce and celebrate the incredible winners of the 2024 NASDA Spirit Awards. These remarkable individuals and teams have demonstrated unparalleled dedication, sportsmanship, and spirit within our NASDA family, with their hard work and passion truly embodying the heart and soul of our community.”
June 9 SDDA, Chilliwack. Dustyn finished his Distance Games SD-GD
June 8 AKC coursing, NJ. Frankie in his second trial, was BOB for the second time and his first major. Littermates Sizzle and Dudley both placed in Open class as well!
June 8 AKC coursing, CA. Chilly was BOB today!
June 3 AKC coursing. Frankie won Open stake and BOB!
May 25/26 NASDA, WA. Dustyn passed all his runs this weekend, including TL-III, one of which included a fire ring (his favourite!). Tristan passed 6/8 runs, which is certainly fabulous for his age. He definitely found the marinated shrimp in a drawer but moved on like a good boy, and was one of only 2 dogs that passed more than one UL-III run!
May 25 Romania. Sonny finished his Romanian Championship RO CH and Romanian Grand Championship RO GCH, also bringing two CACIB applications from Romanian exhibitions.
In addition, in Hungary, Sonny won two CAC applications and started Sonny’s path to Hungarian championships.
May 19 CKC Scent. Fino finished her Scent Grand Champion SDGM! I believe the second whippet after half sister Aurora.
May 18 Jordan, UT. MT Ogden KC. Chilly Surcie Aperture 10 Chilly Vegas Nights was WB/BOW/BOBOH to finish her American Championship AmCH! Congratulations to owner handler Julie Troxel and breeder Amy Reynolds!
May 18 Sprinters, Surrey. Dustyn finished his Sprinter Excellent SX with 2 nice runs.
May 17 Jordan, UT. MT Ogden KC. Chilly Surcie Aperture 10 Chilly Vegas Nights went WB/BOW/BOB/BOBOH/OHG3 for her second major in a lovely lineup!
May 6 Dustyn qualified for his trick Dog Grand Championship TDGCH.
May 5 Mt Vernon NASDA, WA. Many thanks to the fabulous PNW clubs, volunteers, judges and helpers! Dustyn made us pleased as the first whippet to complete Brace 2 TB-II this week with the 4 Points trial and Schasam trial last week. We snagged some lovely rosettes too. That title also completed both the Versatile Locating Silver Champion VL-S and the Supreme Versatility Silver SVS titles. It couldn’t have happened without all you happy people! And his trusty senior sidekick Tristan who is always up to be a willing partner. Thanks to Crystal, Teresa, and the others who were willing to release Dustyn; we really appreciate it.
May 5 Jordan, UT. Rip (Crossfyre Ripe Wheeler) finished his AmCH with two BOS wins over specials for a 4 point major under jJohn Wade and 3 point major under Debra Thornton. Congrats to owner/handler Mike Moore!
May 4 Jordan, UT. Ursula (Crossfire Sorceress of the Sea) finished her AmCH with a BOW under John Wade with a third major! Congratulations to breeder/owner/handler Liz Campbell! This also completed Tristan’s ROMX (Register of Merit Excellent)
May 4 Gunning Showground, Australia. Phantom (Whiparoo Mischief In Heaven JC) won 1st place in Lure Coursing Open Stakes and BEST IN FIELD!
Apr 20 AWC National. Ricochet brought home 3 first place ribbons, a QQ, High in Trial Standard (trial 1), High in Trial Jumpers (trial 1), and High in Event (trials 1 &2) from the American Whippet Club National agility competition! Well done owner/handler Susan Ford!
Apr Dustyn finished the qualifications for the AKC Versatility Gold VG – the highest level in the 7 tiers, and the first whippet!
Apr 14 Harrison shows, PA. Frankie (Gibbous Centaur of Attention) was WD under Jeremy S Browne to finish his AmCH with 3 majors and 16 points at 14 months. Congratulations to owner Marge Conta and breeder Melissa Schnyder!
Apr 13 AKC coursing, PA. Dudley and Sizzle had their first official trial for both puppies having just earned their QC’s last Sunday. They ran together for both prelims and finals and were tied for both runs. Run off for 1/2/BOB, Dudley just edged out sister Sizzle to win the open stake for his first major. Congratulations to breeder Melissa Schnyder!
Apr 12 SCWA Specialty, CA. Chilly (Surcie Aperture 10 Chilly Vegas Knights) was WB/BOW for her first major (4 point) at the Specialty. Thank you to Judge Claudia “CJ” Miller!
Apr 7 SDDA scent. Thrilled to bring home this purple rosette and a matching pin as Dustyn finished his SDDA scentwork Sporting Detection Championship SD-CH! He completed his second Excellent title in addition to his third Advanced title for the Championship. He pulled more than his share of our partnership this weekend, particularly by going back to a spot in the gravel again to alert on a ground hide in an area I was avoiding as it was a wet patch and looked a bit too much like a dog had eliminated there (none had). Always an adventure. Thanks to the K9 Scentinels for a super trial in a fun new location. We were happy to have squeezed in as we were on a waitlist.
Apr 6 SDDA scent. Aurora finished SDDA Elite Champion SD-ELCH (first whippet) and SDDA Grand Master Champion SD-GMCH.
Feb 18 NASDA, Bellingham. Tristan finished his Lost Item II LI-II.
Feb 17 CKC scent, Abbotsford. Jet finished his Master title SDM! And half sister Aurora finished the Grand Master title SDGM – the first whippet.
Feb 4 CDSA scentwork, Coquitlam. Tristan completed his third level 1 for his expert title DS1-Ex.
Jan 6 NASDA WA. Dustyn follows up with finishing the Lost Item level 2 LI-II – first whippet!
Jan 5 NASDA WA. A great start to the year, with Tristan finishing the Urban Locating Level 3 UL-III. First Level 3 trial titled whippet In NASDA! With the standard base points, you would require 20 qualifying scores (500 points). With his multiple High in Trials and BOBs which added points, he managed to shave that down to 15 scores, with his best run in 7 seconds, and others at 12 and 14 seconds! Many thanks to the judges and crew hosting the Monroe’s Mischief trails. We are very grateful to the hardworking team.
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Vega & Tristan daughters had a great year in the ring in Finland. Musca (FI-JCH Besties Musca Australis) had fantastic results in excellent company. She finished her FI JCH Finnish Junior Championship, was BIS in Akaa show, BIS intermediate and BB3 in the Finnish whippet club specialty, and BB1 in Salo group show.
Musca ended 2023 as Top Junior Whippet in Finland and Top 6 Female Whippet!
Musca is and owned and handled by Meri Wilenius
Littermate Diiva (Besties Ursa Major) was shown very lightly, and received the reserve CAC from the Whippet speciality and was BB1 in the Riihimäki show.
Diiva is owned and handled by Mari Kääriäinen
Littermate Lyra (C.I.B JCH Besties Alpha Lyrae) finished the International Junior title CIB-J and picked up a CAC toward her adult championship.
Lyra is owned and handled by Heli Poikonen
The litter was bred by Mari Kääriäinen – congratulations all!
Brother Kirsher says Way to go Sisters!
Dec 2 MD dog show. Frankie was WD, BOW, BOS under Dr. Steven Herman for another 4 pt major!
Dec 2 CDSA, Port Moody. Tristan finished his DS1-Sr, passing all 3 elements in the same trial.
Nov 25/26 MA West Friendship show. Frankie was WD, BOW, BOS and BOB Owner Handled on Sunday for his second major under Deirdre Petrie. Saturday he picked up another point as WD. Congratulations to owner/handler Marge Conta!
Nov 16 OH dog show. Fonz was WD/BOW for a 4 point major, handled by Lila Jane.
Nov 17 NASDA. Kirsher was High in Trial at his first Shed Dog trial. 13 second run!
Nov 12 NASDA. Tristan was High in Trial at both Urban Locating III trials! 12 and 14 second runs!
Nov 11 AKC coursing trial, UT. Ursula was BOB for a 3 point major!
Nov 11 Oaks, PA. The only day entered, Frankie was WD/BOW for 2 points.
Nov 4 ASFA trial, UT. Joker was BIF his fist time out, and tied for first the second day forfeiting to second.
Nov 4 Frankie WD, BOW and his first major under Molly Martin at 8 months of age.
Oct 29 AZ AKC coursing. Tatum (new DC Hamrya’s Desert Jewel SC) finished her AKC FC in style by going Best In Field for her third 5 pt Major. Tatum accomplished this amazing feat in six field trials, three of which she was awarded BIF. Congratulations to breeder/owner Donna Lynch!
Oct 22 Sprinters trials, Surrey. Kirsher had his first running event and completed his Novice Sprinter NS.
Oct 21 K911 SDDA trial, Merville. In Started, Zippy earned his SD-S SP title, passing all 3 components at the same trial. In Aerial with 19 dogs entered, they won 1st place!! Also entered in Distance Q’d that one as well… But the highlight was winning High in Trial! wow, well done Cathy and Zippy!
Oct 4 Skyhoundz World event, PA. Amadeus is the first AKC CH Whippet to become a Skyhoundz World Champion! AMADEUS is a 2x Skyhoundz Xtreme Distance WORLD CHAMPION! With Barbara Ernst Reinhold, Amadeus took 1st place in Women’s Classic and Unlimited divisions AND 3rd in Light!! Thrilled for breeder Lynn Mitchell and the success of her singleton! New Xtreme Distance World Champion.
Sept 24 ABC Games, Maple Ridge. Tristan was entered in both Single Odor and Double Odor games and passed all with good times. Good boy! First time for the DOG title and another SOG.
Sept 24 Germany lure coursing. Aurifer Gallifrey was BOB at lure coursing!
Aurifer Guinevere was 3rd out of 11. What a weekend for the Aurifer kids.
Sept 23 Germany show. Aurifer Guinevere won ex1 in intermediate.
Sept 17 Amadeus BCAT and Air Retrieve JR
Sept 17 CDSA scent. Tristan finished his DS1-Jr.
Sept 17 PA shows. Sizzle was BOB and brother Dudley was BOS under Dana Cline, both for 5 pt majors! Congratulations to breeder Melissa Schnyder!
Sept 16 Bonniville Basin KC show, UT. Ursula was BOB from the classes over specials, then went on to Hound Group 1 under Linda Scanlon! Beautifully handled by Monica Barsaja from breed to the BIS ring. Congratulations to breeder Liz Campbell for your first Group 1 bred dog! Woo!
Sept 10 AKC scent, Graham. Tristan finished his Advanced Exterior SEA, and Advanced Interior SIA with a first place!
Sept 2 Heavenscent trial, Maple Ridge. Our first attempt at ABC Games, and Tristan received the ‘noseworthy’ 4 Qs for his first title SOG.
Sept 2 Fonzi was BOB over Specials to pick up 2 more points, breeder owner handled by Lynn Mitchell.
Sept 2 AB. Sedona was BOB at the Show and Go.
Sept 3 Riihimäki International Show, FI. Nice entry of 42 whippets entered under Breed and Sighthound specialist Tomasz Kuszyk, PL (Synergy whippets), who gave Diiva Besties Ursa Major BOS for the CACIB!
Aug 25 Extraordinary Canines CWAGS. Tristan finished his Level 5 CW-SPI
RodeoDog. Another new thing for Tristan to try, and he passed his Beginner Rodeo Clover BRCL. and Performer Straight Line PRSL with perfect scores.
Aug 21 NASDA. Dustyn won overall high score for LI-II, also being the only dog who passed all 3! Tristan was the second fastest dog in his run.
Aug 11 Scorch finished his CD and AWC Versatility AV! Congrats to owner Grace Chan and breeder Donna Lynch!
Aug 5 Western Gazehound Sprinters. Dustyn finished his Advanced Sprinters AS (1000 points) with gusto!
July Scorch Rally Advanced RA
July 22 SDDA scent, BC. Avery and Siren completed the SDDA Master Championship SD-MACH, which includes 6 Advanced titles and 4 Excellent titles.
July 22 NADD. Scorch Dock Master DM!
July 21 Estonia show. Lorenzo finished his Estonian Championship EE CH!
July 15 Barn Hunt Ratacaters, Snohomosh. At 12 years, Tristan finished his Barn Hunt Line Drive title LD.
He came out of Barn Hunt retirement to try the new Line Drive class in the spring. Dogs need to indicate 4 critters in one minute or less (!), with a total of 9 tubes. A vey different experience than the typical barn hunt set up, as the bales are lined up against a wall and tube ends are exposed in lines, hence the Line Drive term. The time goes by super fast, especially if you need the indicated tubes removed so the dogs don’t keep going back to them. The pass rate tends to be very low in this class – he was 1 of 4 to pass (with 39 dogs entered!) the very first offering at the local BC club, and racked up 9 Qs in 10 trials, including a first place (3 dogs passed, 20 entered), five 2nds and placements in all Qs. On our drive to the latest trial in mid July, I saw a big cloud that looked like a feather and wondered if it was a sign for another in his cap lol. Apparently it was, as he had a fabulous finishing run with his best time yet – yay!!
According to the Barn Hunt website, Tristan is the first whippet (and hound) to complete the title! Not only that, he is the 11th dog of all breeds to finish it (6 of them are Border Collies).
June 8 weekend Puyallup – Jasper finished his Rally Excellent RE. Tristan his Temperament test ATT.
June 8 WCOBC Specialty shows – Sedona won the specialty – congrats to owner/handler Angela Ellis and breeder Donna Lynch!
June 18 AWC PNW Regional Specialty, OR. So thrilled that Tristan/Tipsy son Hoby CH DelCrown Hamrya Sam Catchem was Specialty Best in Show! Many thanks to breeder judge Kerrie Kuper! wow! Hoby’s son was Best Puppy.
Grandson Bravados’ Ready Set Zoom took after his Uncle Dustyn’s pawprints and was WD at the AWC Regional (funny as we had donated to the WD trophy :).
Judge’s critique:
BOB dog, CH Delcrown Hamrya Sam Catchem.
A correct sized fawn and white boy with moderate balanced movement, using his rear while holding the correct topline and standing and moving. He has the hocks that the standard describes, well let down and close to the ground. Something that we are losing in the breed and don’t see often enough. Sound on the up and back, I would have liked to see a bit less bend of pastern, but due to his overall balance, he moved well enough in the front. Lovely typical whippet head, eye and expression….very similar to the BOS I noted while picture taking…..He is one of those dogs that could be easily overlooked due to his more moderate size and color…but he caught my eye on the first go around due to his balanced movement and topline….that stood out to me right away and I had to try to find someone to beat him, and in the end there wasn’t anyone that could do so….The old staying that the one that looks different from the rest may be the most correct dog in the ring, and in my opinion he was on the day. I was pleased to see I gave all of his 6 month old offspring their classes, and Best Puppy.
June 18 Finnish Whippet Club Open Show. Judge Birte Nöding, Germany (Betty Barkley)
Musca, Besties Musca Australis: #2 with honor prize in intermediate class.
“18 months. Lovely female with flowing lines. Nice head and expression. Long neck. Exellent top- and underline. Exellent angulations front and rear. Bit weak in pastern. Moving parallel coming and going. Nice side gait. Nice temperament.”
June 17 Finnish Whippet Clubs National Speciality. Judges: Tomasz Wolanczyk, Poland (kennel Paranoia) & Birte Nöding, Germany (kennel Betty Barkley.)
Musca, Besties Musca Australis, 18 months
BIS intermediate, BB #3
Comments by breeder judge Tomasz Wolanczyk:
“Really quality bitch of a good size, very nice head and expression. Today a little bit funny ears. Medium lenght quite strong neck into very good shoulders. Nicely angulated in front and behind, moves sound in all directions.”
June 11 Comox Valley KC, Van Island. Cathy was BOW with Zippy, for New Canadian Champion CanCH Jetstream Game On! Well done to worn handler team, and breeder Lorraine Burch.
May 21 Lorenzo finished his Lithuanian championship LT CH – congrats to Kamila Michajlowska and breeder Anna Spigarska!
May 21 Amadeus WD to finish his American Championship AmCH!! Judge Ken Murray and shown by Lila Jane.
May 21 CWA Badgerland & PDQ race meets in WI. Rowan completed his ARX and DPCX! So exciting! Big congrats to owners Patty and Paul Beran and breeder Donna Miner.
May 21 SDDA scentwork. Siren completes the Elite SD-EL title! wow! 3rd whippet team ever! Handled by owner Avery and awarded Top Dog both days in Advanced Containers (working).
May 20 Amadeus WD/BOW/BOS for another major! And Pinky WB under Jan Paulk, shown by Lila Jane.
May 19 Amadeus WD and Pinky BOW under Pricilla Gabosch, shown by Lila Jane.
May 18 Akaa group show (Fci groups 4,6,8,10). Musca (Besties Musca Australis):
FI junior champion, Best of breed junior, Best bitch #1, Best of breed, Best in group, Best in Show!
Breed and group judge: Jarmo Vuorinen (Scheik’s Whippets), BIS judge Harry Tast.
May 12-14 Klamath Dog Fanciers dog show. Friday Bravestone was BOS BOBOH G4. Saturday Reba was BOB BOBOH BOB Puppy G1 BOB Bred by puppy. Sunday Reba went BOB again. Thank you judges Raymond Filburn, JoAnne Buehler, Jan Paulk, and Diane McCormack. Handled by breeder/owner Sheri Nicoletti.
May 14 Royal Canin international dog show, Finland. Lyra (Besties Alpha Lyrae) in jun1 cq, jun cac, jun cacib. BB3, cac and new international junior champion CIB-J! wow! Under judge Mrs Pirjo Aaltonen. This gave her a cac toward her adult championship as well.
May 7 Salo Group show, Finland. Musca Besties Musca Australis was BOS under Jenna Leinonen! This gave her a cac toward her adult championship as well.
May 6 Pioneer Valley KC, Stellar AU. Ch Whiparoo Heavens Gift to Aslan, handled beautifully by Katrina Logan was BOB under Whippet Specialist Mr N Jennings. She then went on to Aust Bred in Show under Mr P Tjerkstra. Owned by Lana McCrindle.
May 6 Utah shows. Ursula was WB/BOW for a 5 pt major.
Apr 29-30 Chuckanut AKC Scent trial, WA. We decided to try a weekend of AKC scentwork for the first time. We entered with random draw format and managed to get into everything. Super fun to start again at Novice level and try out Buried hides for the first time. Tristan had a clean sweep, with 12/12 Qs, with many placements including Firsts in Class, and earning 4 component titles – Scent Work Container Novice SCN, Scent Work Interior Novice SIN, Scent Work Exterior Novice SEN, Scent Work Buried Novice SBN, which gives the overall level title Scent Work Novice SWN.<
The site included squirrel sightings, and a search in a rabbit barn. Thankfully it was off season ..
Apr 29 Emmet ID. Buddy was ASFA Best In Field, owned by Sandy!
Apr 22-23 Kelowna KC CKC scent trial. Tristan passed his Master Interior SDI to finish his overall Master title SDM! Fabulous job little man! Dusty did well, qualifying in both his Master Exterior runs to complete 5 Master Exteriors (passing all 4 entered at this venue), and also a Master Container.
Apr 15 Caldwell Idaho shows. Buddy won breed, owner handler / group 3 and 4 on Saturday / Sunday in. Congrats to owner/handler Sandy. Rip was BOB from the classes for a couple of points too.
Apr 8 AWC National Specialty week [Topeka, Kansas]
A recap of the national week – almost all Tristan kids ended up with a rosette of some sort, which was fun to see.
A great start to the week was Tessa finishing her agility Novice Standard NA with a 1st and 2nd placement. Ricochet QQd with a 2nd and 3rd placement. Scorch was awarded 3rd place toward his Novice agility title. Scorch also passed his Beginner Novice run.
Maeve tied for 3rd place at the ASFA field trial, forfeiting to NBQ, and was High Score bench Champion. Tessa was 2nd in her AKC coursing stake, earning 3 points to finish her Field Championship FC!
Amadeus earned his first rally Q in Novice with a 4th placement.
Grace and Scorch attempted both Versatility and Triathlon for the first time, and ended up 10th Place Versatility (Coursing, Conformation, Agility, Rally) and 12th Place Triathlon [out of 33 participants] (Coursing, Conformation, Obedience).
Some of these owners were trying new things for the first time and having success – so fun to see them plated at a National!
In the show ring, Reba was 4th in her Futurity class under Lew Griffitt, and also made it to the final cut in a competitive 9-12 mos class under Specialty judge Lesley Anne Potts.
In Brood bitch class, Saga and her kids made the cut under Thomas Munch.
The beautiful representations and presentations of the breed in the ring was spectacular.
Rowan’s CAVX certificate/rosette, Sage’s Willow award nomination and Tristan’s ROM certificate were also presented at the banquet.
Also so thankful that Lorraine’s Ula was found – a miracle helped along by the incredible dog community.
As always, a highlight was meeting up with friends I haven’t seen for so long, meeting new ones, catching up with Tristan’s breeder Lisa Winder and Kendra. Thank you to my roommate for making it an easy stay. And big kudos to all the hard working volunteers and organizers to pull together such an amazing event.
Apr 7 CWAGS scent trial, Langley. Tristan was 2/2 in his Level 5 runs.
Apr 1-2 OH shows, Amadeus (All’aria Symphony No. 1) was WD and BOS under Judge James Albrecht, beautifully presented by Lila Jane Handschumaker for his first major! Baby brother Fonzie (All’aria Stormhold Mountain Air) showed in the 4-6 month puppy show, winning BP BOB and a Group 1 under Judge Gigi Griffith. This was his very first show experience. Amadeus was WD/BOS the next day for a second major, handled by breeder/owner Lynn Mitchell!
Mar 31 In NASDA (North American Sport Dog Assoc), Tristan was the first whippet (team) to finish a Trail Locating Brace title TB-I (two whippets off lead, following a scent trail to quarry – not for the faint of heart for some!), partnering with his bestest buddy Dustyn. This accomplishment also makes him the first whippet (along with Dustyn) to complete the Versatile Locating Bronze Championship (VL-B) which is a combination of Trailing & Locating, Trail & Locating Brace and Urban Locating. So pleased as the boys winged it all – no classes or formal training, and often working through challenging, heavily bushed terrain.
Dustyn was also HIT in Shed and second HIT in TL-II
Mar Rikki finished the Master Silver Agility MSX title!
Mar 17 York/AWC Eastern Weekend. CH. Jetstream StormWarning @ Springrun, JD was BOS in sweeps, handled by owner Lila Jane Handschumaker.
Mar 17, 19 Shasta KC, CA. Reba was WB on Friday under Dana Cline, then WB/BOW/BOBOH on Sunday under judges Mr David J Peat & Group Mrs Stephanie S Hedgepath.
Feb 26 Albany, OR. Reba was WB, BOW, and BOBOH under Marilyn L Van Vleit
Feb 25 Albany, OR. Bravestone was WD. Reba was WB, BOW, and BOBOH under Richard Todd Jackson.
Feb 24 Albany, OR Linn county show. Bravestone was WD. Reba was WB, BOW, and Best of Breed Owner Handler under judge John Mayhall.
Feb 19 CWAGS scent. Tristan finished his Scent Patrol Ace CW-SPA in 10/10 runs. Line Drive he was the only dog who Qd both runs, and out of about 40 dogs each trial! 2nd placement (only 4 dogs Qd) and 4th placement.
Feb 12 Tristan completed all 5 levels in one go for his All Dogs Theme Championship ADP-CH(Th) – first whippet!
Feb 11 CKC scent trial, Maple Ridge. Dustyn finished his Master Containers SDC.
Jan 27 Lithuania International shows. Lyra was Bob Junior (junior CAC) in big junior classes, gaining two exc and a vg, on Friday she was 1st in class gaining a cc and a junior cacib with a Whippet entry of 56! Judge Olga Sinko. Congrats to owner Heli and breeder Mari!
Jan 21-22 AKC coursing. Tatum (AmCH Hamrya’s Desert Jewel) was back to back BIF for 2 majors (10 points)!
Jan 21 Ricochet completed her agility MACH! Amazing team with owner/handler Susan Ford!
Jan 20 Tristan and Dustyn completed the AKC FitDog Gold title FITG.
Jan 19 Tristan and Dustyn both get their AKC FitDog Silver title FITS.
Jan 12 Tristan and Dustyn both get their AKC FitDog Bronze title FITB.
Jan 8 Landolakes KC, MN. Rowan (Domino Seriously Cerulean) was WD for a 4 point major to finish his AmCH! Handled by Jeri Dissi and owned by Patty Beran. This also completes his American Whippet Club Award of Versatility Excellent CAVX!
Jan 8 IABCA show, Lynden. Tristan completed Super Veteran SVCH.
Jan 8 NASCW Nosework. Jasper completed NACSW LEVEL 1 Interiors
Jan 1 CairnHeart CWAGS scent work, Richmond. Dustyn was 4/4 in CWAGS level 2 for CW-SD.
2023 Tristan has been Trick dogging and completed:
DMWYD: Novice Masters Trick Dog (NTD-M)
Intermediate Masters Trick Dog (ITD-M)
Advance Masters Trick Dog (ATD-M)
Expert Masters Trick Dog (ETD-M)
Trick Champion Masters (TDCH-M)
Equinox 5K (EQ23)
2024 Calendar shoot (Cal24)
Photoshoot Animal Actor (AA1)
TDI: Novice Senior Trick (senNTr)
Intermediate Senior Trick Dog (senITr)
Advance Senior Trick Dog (senATr)
Expert Senior Trick Dog (senETr)
Senior Trick Dog Champion (senTrCh)
Novice Amateur Trick Dog (NATr)
Novice Proven Trick Dog (NPTr)
Novice Supreme Trick Dog (NTr-Su)
Intermediate Amateur Trick Dog (IATr)
Intermediate Proven Trick Dog (IPTr)
Intermediate Supreme Trick Dog (ITr-Su)
Advance Amateur Trick Dog (AATr)
Advance Proven Trick Dog (APTr)
Advance Supreme Trick Dog (ATr-Su)
Expert Amateur Trick Dog (EATr)
Expert Proven Trick Dog (EPTr)
Expert Supreme Trick Dog (ETr-Su)
Trick Champion (TrCh)
Trick Grand Champion (TrGCh)
Trick Dog Master Champion (TrMaCh)
Trick Dog Master Grand Champion (TrMaGCh)
Trick Dog Supreme Champion (TrSuCh)
Trick Dog Supreme Grand Champion (TrSuGCh)
Rural Trick Dog (RTr)
Agility Trick Dog (ATr)
Obedience Trick Dog (OTr)
Eurovision Trick Dog
5km Challenge
10km Challenge
10 Mile Challenge
Half Marathon Challenge
20 Mile Challenge
English Channel Challenge
Marathon Challenge
35 mile Challenge
Mount Everest Challenge
45 mile Challenge
Double Marathon Challenge
Mount Kilimanjaro Challenge
Triple Marathon Challenge
Hadrian’s Wall Challenge
100 mile Challenge
The Icefields Parkway Challenge
200 Mile Challenge
Pennine Way Challenge
300 mile Challenge
400 mile Challenge
500 mile Challenge
Bruce Way Challenge
600 mile Challenge
700 mile Challenge
800 mile Challenge